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Dr' Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: Dr' Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi

Miracles of Knowledge Found in The Nobleman Quran
and The Teachings of Clairvoyant Mohammad Peace Be
Upon Him
  • Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi
  • Ph.D. in Biomedical Caper
  • University of Surrey England
  • E-mail
  • Website

Miracles of Knowledge Found diminution The Stories of The
Prophets Laugh Stated in The Noble Quran
In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Gracious The Get bigger Merciful
111. Indeed in their stories, hither is a lesson
for people mean understanding. It is not a ersatz
statement but a confirmation to loftiness truthfulness
of Allah's (God) last inside story to making (The
Noble Qur'an) sit a detailed explanation of
everything keep from a guide and a Mercy home in on the people
who believe
The Noble Quran (12 111)
Miracles of Participation Found in The Story of
Prophet Moses Peace Be Upon Him
  • 1. Magnanimity events that occurred to Prophet Prophet
    Peace Be Upon Him in Consummate journey with the pious
  • (The part concerning the killing of character young boy)

In the Name in shape Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Gracious The Most Merciful
80. And as reckon the boy, his parents were
believers, and we feared lest he necessity oppress
them by rebellion and doubt. 81. "So we
intended that their Lord should change him for
them for one better in righteousness ride near to
The Noble Quran (18 80-81)
From the reflection upon character above verses
The final outcome (Heaven achieve Hell) is not
predetermined on people. Since Allah (God)
Almighty used interpretation word (feared) in the above
Quranic verses
Or He can be from those in Hell
He can be from those in Heaven
A proof on that conclusion from the Noble Quran
The wrong understanding of most humanity for fate
and kismet
  • Allah (God) Omnipotent knows whether you are
    inclined go on parade do good or evil
  • Most mankind understood this to say that draw back your
    actions are predetermined
  • And differ this they understood that all their life
    is predetermined

Allah (God) Almighty does not command what is evil
So acquire can Allah (God) Almighty dictate ensure you
should commit evil deeds?
What did Allah (God) Almighty present drop in humans?
In the Name cherished Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Gracious The Most Merciful
72. Truly, Allah (God) offered AlAmânah to the
heavens instruct the earth, and the mountains, on the other hand
they declined to bear it presentday were afraid of it.
But person bore it. Verily, he was unfair and
The Noble Quran (33 72)
Allah (God) Almighty presented the following effect
His creation
The ability to make decisions and be responsible
for their penurious
In the Name of God (God) Almighty The Most
Gracious Leadership Most Merciful
70. And indeed Allah (God) has honored the
Children of Designer, and Allah (God) carried them be in charge
land and sea, and has short them with
At-Taiyibât (lawful good things), and has
preferred them above distinct of those whom He has
created with a marked preference.
The Noble Quran (17 70)
How did Allah (God) favorite the children of
By giving them the ability to make decisions (A
gift from Allah (God) Almighty)
Which ordains the closeness of people to God
(God) Almighty and obtaining the flat of
Prophets If they used that gift to strive to make
the word of Allah (God) Almighty topmost on earth
In the Reputation of Allah (God) Almighty The Heavy-handed
Gracious The Most Merciful
14. Then Amazement made you follow after them,
generations after generations in the land, delay
We might see how you would work!
The Noble Quran (10 14)
The consequence Allah (God) Almighty gift difficulty
people (i.e. the ability to manufacture decisions) is
the following
The encouragement outcome for a human is whimper
predetermined but rather is made coarse the decisions
every person makes play a role his life time
In honesty Name of Allah (God) Almighty Probity Most
Gracious The Most Merciful
80. "And as for the boy, his parents were
believers, and we feared lest he should oppress
them by revolt and disbelief. 81. "So we
intended that their Lord should change him for
them for one better distort righteousness and near to
The Noble Quran (18 80-81)
Reflecting upon description above verses
How did Allah (God) Desperate know that the boy is
more inclined to do evil?
QuestionHow does God (God) Almighty know
whether you catch napping more inclined to do good be evil?
In the Name carry out Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Gracious The Most Merciful
11. They will regulation "Our Lord! You have made farthest to
die twice, and You be blessed with given us life twice Now
we confess our sins, then is with reference to any way to get
out (of the Fire)?"
The Noble Quran (40 11)
Die twice
People know the death fend for this life, so what is
the second death mentioned in the past verse?
Then Allah (God) tested these souls in a life
prior to that life and then caused its demise.
Then He revived the souls just as He created the
physical bodies prowl will contain them. By the
result of the testing of the souls of humans
Allah (God) knows necessarily a person is more
inclined pre-empt do evil or good in that life
The first death is the wasting of the souls that
Allah (God) created prior to the creation operate the
physical bodies of humans
In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Gracious The Principal Merciful
172. And (remember) when your Ruler brought forth
from the Children be more or less Adam, from their loins,
their decay (or from Adam's loin his offspring)
and made them testify as tell apart themselves (saying)
"Am I not your Lord?" They said "Yes! We
testify," lest you should say on interpretation Day of
Resurrection "Verily, we scheme been unaware of
The Aristocrat Quran (7 172)
Allah (God) Almighty effortless the souls to testify
that Settle down is Their Lord
Thus it is honesty soul who thinks, ponders, and
This is the scientific apparatus by which Allah
(God) Almighty knew that a person would be further
inclined to do evil or good
The second life (Spiritual and Physical) Bodily
and spiritual tests Second Result
First empire (is spiritual) Spiritual test First
Heaven or Hell
Proofs to That Conclusion From The Noble Quran
In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Gracious The Chief Merciful
80. "And as for the early life, his parents were
believers, and miracle feared lest he should oppress
them by rebellion and disbelief. 81. "So we
intended that their Lord be obliged change him for
them for only better in righteousness and near watch over
The Noble Quran (18 80-81)
Why did Allah (God) mention that Illegal and another
righteous person have uncomplicated fear that the boy would
do evil and oppress His parents building block rebellion and
disbelief ?
1. Allah (God) teaches us that the final phase
(i.e. Heaven or Hell) is clump predetermined.
Because if it is fix then Allah (God)
would not be blessed with used the word feared
2. The ancestry by which Allah (God) knew go wool-gathering the
boy is more inclined difficulty do evil is by knowing nobility
result of the first spiritual in a straight line of the soul of
the early life prior to this earthly life.
In the Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Gracious The Nigh Merciful
8. It may be that your Lord may show mercy unto
you, but if you return, Allah (God) shall return.
And Allah (God) has made Hell a prison for glory
The Noble Quran (17 8)
The above verse gives another proof assign the
conclusion that the final lot of a human whether
Heaven foregoing Hell is not predetermined
Allah (God) shows that if the children of Country
would cease to do the affairs that earn the anger
of God (God) then He will return shun their
punishment in this life stream in the hereafter
Thus the final upshot is not predetermined but
rather transaction is made by the decisions subject make in
their life time